Admist the few hours of studying, we decided to take a
break and play basketball, before studying again.
Left around 5 for lunch at Long Johns.
After which, we tried studying again,
but somehow, we just couldnt wait to
get out of Long Johns cos it was
freezing cold!
So much of time spent figuring where to go
and all, before we finally decided on my
place, where we did nothing but slack.
Today is going to be staying-at-home-and-studying day!
Just a reminder to self: Its five weeks
to Chinese Prelims and the Midyears,
and nine weeks to Chinese O's!
I need to loose weight, and grow taller.
I need to shake up those tired eyes, and study!
I need to stop being a pig, and sleeping away!
I need to head to the gym at least once a week,
and exerciseee! (besides training 3 times a wk)
I need to get my ass off this chair,
stop staring at this computer screen,
and start reading my books!

I dont wanna run away
but I can't take it,
I don't understand.
Its becoming a cycle,
repeating over and over again.
I'm so tired already.
I'm trying to, but I've lost it.
& for that,
I'm sorry.
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